Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Halloween Fun!

Here is a recap of last weeks Halloween fun. I am sorry the pictures are out of order and I tried to fix them but got frustrated so I am just leaving them.

First we carved some pumkins. Ethan really enjoyed that this wasw his first time. He thought the stuff was eeeeewwwweee inside. Then we went trick or treating in the big town of price with my parents. If he had his choice he would choose a sucker everytime. We have so many suckers. Then we entered our dog Jackson in a contest for the best Halloween costume. We took 2nd Place and won $50. It was suppose to be just doing it for Ethan benfit but ended up winning so it was really fun. The other picture is the kids and dog that won first place. They were men in black and really cute.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Birthday Party

So we had the boys birthday party this last weekend. It was really fun and they really enjoyed opening up presents this year. There favorite present was a Diego Bike from Aunt Meginn. Also Bill had this friend that made this awesome pinata. The boys theme was pirates but it was too hot to have their jackets that went with the costume. I still can't believe it has been two years.

Friday, October 10, 2008

My Baby is turning 2 years old!

I can't believe it was 2 years ago that my baby boy was born. I actually had him on his due date. Actually that should not of been hard to predict since he was an invitro baby and we now that exact time he was conceived in the doctor office. Anyways, my water broke but not like it does on the movies. I was just leaking a little and so I called labor and delivery and they said the baby is probably just sitting on your bladder. If it continues check back in a couple of hours. About an hour past and I was having contractions and Bill was bugging me to go to the hospital (but I did not want to because I watch Nikki go to the hospital about 4 times before with false labor). I went to go to the bathroom and all of sudden there was a big gush and my it looked like I peed my pants. I changed and we packed up everything and headed to the hospital. When we got to the front doors of the hospital it happened again and so I walked into the hospital looking like I peed my pants. They checked me and after some drugs Ethan was born at 3:40 a.m.
I must admit he was a hard baby but it was not his fault he had acid refluex really bad and had a hard time sleeping through the night. Once he hit 6 months old he grew out of it and he was a sweet, happy, baby.
He has been amazing 2 years. I am so greatful that God gave me an opportunity to be a mom. It has been the hardest job I have ever had but the most rewarding. He is such a joy to watch grow and learn. He melts my heart everytime I hear the most precious words "Mamma luv you." Happy Birthday Baby Boy! I love you very much.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

What the Heck?

Today I went to mail and what did I see. The Pirate costumes from Old What the heck they said they were lost in the mail. I should of been sooo excited but I am not because 2 hours before that I had bought another costume on ebay. So now I have 2 costumes. I must admit they are really cute.

Old Navy

I am sooo disappointed. I have been planning Ethan 2ND Birthday for months now. I even made the invitation myself. I am not very crafty but I could not find any I liked on line. Anyways I ordered him the cutest costume from Old Navy.Com. I have been waiting for 2 weeks for this costume to show up. Ethan and his cousin Malachi were going to be matching and share there Birthday's since they are only 3 weeks apart. Everything was going to be sooo cute but yesterday when the costumes did not show up I called the help line. And wouldn't you know it they lost them in the mail. And of course they are sold out!! I am so mad and all they said was we will return your money. Thanks alot for your help Old Navy.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

My Little Man

Here are some pictures of my little man (well not so little anymore). He is going to be 2 years old in a couple of weeks. Time sure flies by when you are having fun.
This one is my favorite

He loves to give everyone knuckles

Friday, August 15, 2008

Hard Times

It has been a long time since I have been able to blog. I have tried many times to sit at the computer and write a happy little blog about my life. The truth is that I have been going through one of the most diffcult times in my life. I am trying to make sense of all of it. Trying to figure out God's plan through this aweful time. I have to admit that I have been angry at God and then I have come to the realization that God is in the control of the situation and he never gives us more than we can handle. I have to admit though the last couple of weeks it has felt like it was more than I could of handled. I am just hoping in a little while I will be able to write happy blogs about my life. Until then if you could remember me in your prayers that would be great.

Thursday, May 29, 2008


It has been a crazy month for us. Not that I am really complaining. I went to Portland 2 weeks ago to visit. I had a really good time. The best part was probably going to the Zoo with Ethan. He absolutely loved it and I loved seeing his reaction to all the animals. I wanted to post some pics with the post but the are on Nikki camera and she has been sooo busy sitting on the couch at my parents house she has not emailed them to me. The only thing was while I was in Portland it was 100 degrees. What the heck it is never over 75 degrees there. It was so uncomfortable because nobody has air conditioner because it never that hot. Overall it was a really nice visit.

Friday, May 9, 2008


Here is a couple of pictures I took. I am trying to get more familiar with photo shop. You can do some really cool stuff but it is the most confusing program. Luckily my good friend Jamie is being very patient and showing me some cool stuff. This is just a random blog because I was proud of myself.

Thursday, May 8, 2008


I am going to Portland to see my 2 sisters and my brother-in-law graduate from college. I am very excited I haven't been to Portland in a long time. I am not going to drive that with a 19 month old. That would just be insane. So instead we are flying. We have to fly before Ethan turns 2 years old and has to have his own ticket. People already think he 2 because of how tall he is. He gets his height from my side of the family. Bill's not coming because he has to work. It should be pretty fun even though Nikki will be packing up her house. I am excited she is moving because we will only be 1.5 hours apart instead of 18 hours. For those of you who know Nikki my sister you know she likes to shove things where ever she can fit them. Just ask her college roommate Shannon. Shannon would be missing stuff all of the time due to Nikki shoving. And then when Shannon would question her she would say she had no idea where is was. Anyways, I kind of got off track. It should be allot of fun to just hangout and see some sights (like the zoo). Then I am flying down to southern California to visit with Bill's family. Bill is going to meet us there. It should be pretty nice. I am excited for Ethan to experience the Ocean. He has been there once before but he was 6 months old so he just sat there and stared. He loves playing in the water and dirt or sand. So I hope to get some cool pictures to share with everyone.

Monday, April 21, 2008

What happens in Vegas...

They say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas but I had to show everyone Bill's new tattoo. We had such a awesome weekend with friends this weekend. There was six of us hanging out in Vegas. I was the only one that did not get a tattoo. It wasn't because I don't like them. I just did not have a clear idea of what I would want and where it would go.

Bill's got his tattoo to remember the struggle we went through to have Ethan. He got Ethan's name on the back of his arm and the cross and crown on the shoulder. The verse in the cross says that through Christ all things are possible. This is our family verse for so many reason but we are most thankful that He made it medically possible to have our beautiful son.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Sunday Afternoons

Nothing is better than taking a nap on Sunday afternoon. As long as I can remember I have taken a nap on Sunday's. My husband has always hated this little tradition. He says that I wasting time that I could be productive. He just says this because he doesn't like to take naps. Since the birth of my son naps have almost been obslite. If there one thing that I miss since becoming a parent is naps and sleeping in. Don't get me wrong it is well worth the trade...but I do miss them.

This Sunday we had some fun in the Sun. We went on hike and played in a stream which Ethan loved. I have posted some cute pics of Ethan Playing in the stream.

He such a boy he loves dirt, rocks, anything that makes him dirty.

We had a great day. I guess Bill is right somethimes. It is better to be active.

Friday, April 11, 2008

First Time

This is my first blog. I love to read other peoples blogs and so in doing so I thought I would start my own. I am not much of writer so you will have to forgive all the grammatical error. They say that blogging is the new way to journal. I remember when I was in grade school and we would have to journal for 20 mins. I would always write about my pony Bandit. I loved him so much and would day dream about riding him after school. Oh how simple life was back then.

I love my life. I am a stay at home Mom. For years we struggled to have a child. Because of lots prayers and Invitro Fertilization our baby boy was born Oct. 11, 2006. I truly have enjoyed every minute of being a Mother. It is challenging some days but it so worth it. I thank God for allowing me to be a mother.

In the next couple of months we will be going through the process of Invitro Fertilization again. I am excited but will bring up all the emotions that go along with process. Until you are there you can never understand the emotions that arise. Please be praying for us as we start the adventure again. We have 4 embryos literally sitting on ice until we are ready. In the next couple of months I am sure I will be blogging more on the issue. Thanks for listening